The first thing to do with this is construct the capacitor pads for the 0603 size SMT capacitors. Then I'll build the pads for the flip chip SQUID chips, the launch pads for the SMAs, some vias, transmission line(microstrip)
function doTheThing(localCommand){ ... if(localCommand == 0344){ //line ctx.lineTo(x + side*Math.cos(theta),y + side*Math.sin(theta)); ctx.stroke(); } ... }This is of note because it is different from the line used for line drawings without fill or for things other than fabrication layout, which looks like this:
function doTheThing(localCommand){ ... if(localCommand == 0342){ //line ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y); ctx.lineTo(x + side*Math.cos(theta),y + side*Math.sin(theta)); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); } ... }The distinction is important, since if you close the path when you don't want to it breaks the filled polygon that we need for fabrication layout, but if you fail to close the path when you mean to just make a discrete line segment you get a huge mess, which must be avoided. We need both even though this